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Sundew Double Asiatic Lily Bulbs

Sundew Double Asiatic Lily Bulbs


Shine Bright With Sundew Double Asiatic Lilies

Looking for a showstopper for your garden or patio? The Sundew Double Asiatic Lily is here to steal the show with its stunning, multi-layered blooms in bright, bold yellow. This lily is a true garden gem, combining elegance and low-maintenance charm.

Why You'll Love It

  • Double Blooms: Each flower is a lush, petal-packed masterpiece that adds texture and depth to your garden.
  • Vibrant Color: Golden yellow blooms brighten borders, containers, or flower beds with a soft, romantic vibe.
  • Compact & Versatile: Perfect for garden borders, large pots, or as a standout in mixed arrangements.
  • Easy to Grow: Thrives in well-drained soil and full to partial sun—ideal for beginners and green-thumbed pros alike! 

Planting Tips

Plant these bulbs in the spring after frost, spacing them about 6-9 inches apart for a dazzling display. They’ll bloom beautifully in early summer, reaching a height of 2-3 feet. Plus, they’re perfectly suited for container gardening, so you can enjoy their beauty even in small spaces.

A Cut Flower Favorite

These lilies aren't just garden beauties—they're also excellent cut flowers. Snip a few stems to bring their charm indoors! The best part? They're pollen-free, so they won't make a mess!

Ready to transform your outdoor space with elegance? Add Sundew Double Asiatic Lily Bulbs to your garden today!

For additional information, check out our in-depth blog content:
How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Asiatic Lilies

Regular price $24.95
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