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Red Velvet Asiatic Lily Bulbs

Red Velvet Asiatic Lily Bulbs


Red Velvet Lily: A Luxurious Bloom for Your Garden

Bring a touch of elegance to your garden with Red Velvet Lily Bulbs. These stunning Asiatic lilies showcase deep, velvety red petals with a subtle sheen, creating a bold yet sophisticated statement in any outdoor or indoor setting.

Why Choose Red Velvet Lilies?

  • Striking Color: The rich, red blooms contrast beautifully with lush green foliage, adding drama to flower beds, borders, and containers.
  • Compact Growth: Perfect for small spaces, these lilies typically reach 2-3 ft. tall, making them ideal for patios, balconies, or even as cut flowers for indoor vases.
  • Easy to Grow: These hardy bulbs thrive in full to partial sun and require minimal care, making them a favorite for both beginner and seasoned gardeners.
  • Versatile Beauty: Use them as a focal point in your garden, or mix them with other perennials for a layered, textured display.

Planting & Care Tips

Plant your Red Velvet Lily Bulbs in well-draining soil during spring or fall, spacing them about 6–9 inches apart. Water regularly but avoid overwatering, and watch as these beauties reward you with spectacular blooms in early summer.

Where to Use Red Velvet Lilies

Whether you're sprucing up a garden bed, designing a container arrangement, or bringing fresh flowers indoors, these lilies shine wherever they’re planted. Their vibrant blooms make excellent centerpieces and are perfect for gifting.

Upgrade your garden's style with the luxurious look of Red Velvet Lily Bulbs—a simple way to turn any space into a masterpiece.

For additional information, check out our in-depth blog content:
How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Asiatic Lilies

Regular price $22.95
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