- Variety Info
- Sowing Info
- Growing Info
Variety Info
Days to Maturity: 20-50 days
Family: Amaranthaceae
Native: Mediterranean region, Europe
Hardiness: Biennial; fairly cold tolerant. Will overwinter in mild climates and withstand light to moderate freezes.
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Plant Dimensions: Up to 20" tall
Variety Info: "Perpetual Spinach" is an Italian heirloom Swiss chard that produces smooth, green leaves with thin, bright green stems.
Attributes: Frost Tolerant

Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date and when soil temperature is at least 40°F, ideally 75°-90°F. Sow as late as 2 months before first fall frost. Mild Climates: Sow in fall.
When to Start Inside: 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting out, 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date (protect from heavy freezes).
Days to Emerge: 5-10 days
Seed Depth: 1/2"
Seed Spacing: A group of 2 seeds every 8"
Row Spacing: 18"
Thinning: When 1/2" tall, thin to 1 every 8"
Your hardiness zone is
Growing Info
Harvesting: Pick up to 1/3 of the outer leaves as needed, and let more leaves grow from the center of the plant; or, if desired, harvest the whole plant 2" above ground, and it will grow back. Pick very young leaves, at 2"-4" for using fresh in salads.
Special Care: Swiss chard "seed" is actually a dried fruit with several seeds, therefore, seedlings may emerge closely, making early thinning important. Thin newly emerged seedlings by pinching or cutting them off at the soil surface, to minimize disturbance to neighboring plants. Cultivate very lightly, as roots are close to the surface. Mulch soil surface when plants are 2" high to keep roots cool and moist. If the plant starts to bolt during the summer, cut off the flower stalk. Rotate Swiss chard (and others in the Amaranthaceae Family) location so they are not grown in the same area more than once every 3 years.