- Variety Info
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Variety Info
Family: Amaranthaceae
Native: Exact origin unknown, possibly India
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive perennial, hardy in USDA zones 10 and warmer.
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Period: Summer to frost
Plant Dimensions: 16"–30" tall and about 8" wide
Variety Info: 2"–7", red, globe-shaped flowers.
Attributes: Attracts Pollinators, Cut Flower, Drought Tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Frost Sensitive

Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: Within 2 weeks after your average last frost date, when soil is at least 60°F.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED. 6 to 8 weeks before your average last frost date.
Days to Emerge: 7–14 Days
Seed Depth: Surface to ⅛"
Seed Spacing: A pinch of seeds every 8"
Thinning: When 2" tall, thin to 1 every 8"
Your hardiness zone is
Growing Info
Harvesting: For cut or dried flowers, pick when the plumes are the right size for your purpose but before they go to seed. Flowers can last up to 2 weeks in a vase. If drying, hang flowers upside down for a couple of weeks until stems are stiff and dry.