Digital Desktop Wallpaper

Get inspired with our beautifully illustrated digital wallpapers - perfect for your computer desktop. For 2024, we've created radiant designs featuring our favorite botanical art and varieties that you can enjoy all throughout the year.

Click the wallpaper previews below to view the enlarged image for downloading.

To set the Botanical Interests 2024 files as your wallpaper:

Using Internet Explorer, Firefox & Safari:
Click the above link, then right click the image and select "Set as background".

Please note that Google Chrome users may have difficulties downloading the calendar image. We recommend using an alternative browser.

If you are using Google Chrome on a Mac, click the above link, then right click and select "Save as" and save to your desktop. The image will save as a ".webp" file. Please right click to "rename" the file and change ".webp" to ".jpg" and save. Right click this jpg file on your desktop and select "Set as desktop background".

If you are using Google Chrome on a Windows machine, we recommend you use a different browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.

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