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Variety Info
Family: Myrtaceae
Native: Australia
Hardiness: Perennial in USDA zones 9–11; also grown as an annual.
Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Period: Fall; also flowers in spring if it overwinters
Plant Dimensions: When grown as an annual, expect plants to be 24"–42" tall and about 24" wide, depending on your growing-season length and climate. As a perennial, plants can tower to a 20' or even 35'-tall tree.
Variety Info: Flowers are small and creamy white.
Attributes: Cut Flower, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Heat Tolerant

Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: 2 to 4 weeks after your average last frost date.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED. 10 to 12 weeks before your average last frost date. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 65°–75°F.
Days to Emerge: 10 – 45 Days
Seed Depth: Press into surface
Seed Spacing: A group of 2 – 3 seeds every 12"– 24"
Thinning: When seedlings have 2 – 3 sets of leaves, thin to 1 every 12 " – 24"
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