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Root Vegetables: 10 Tips for Success

Freshly picked root vegetables, including orange carrots, red radishes, and purple-red beets, with their green leafy tops still attached.

Root vegetables are frost-tolerant, healthful, and store well. What isn’t to love? We have 10 great tips to successfully grow roots in your garden.

Direct Sow

Sow root seeds directly in the garden to avoid transplanting, which could stunt their growth. When seedlings are 1″–2″ tall, thin seedlings to their recommended spacing (see seed packet).

Prep Beds

Roots perform best in well-drained, loose soil, rich in organic matter. Prior to sowing, loosen soil to 12″ deep to break up clods and remove rocks. If you have heavy clay soil, which carrots are particularly sensitive to, try growing ‘Shin Kuroda’ or ‘Danvers 126’ which excel even in heavy soil.

Grow in a Container

It’s true, you can grow roots in a container! They just need to be fairly deep containers, about 18″ deep. Learn more about gardening in containers in our article, “How to Grow Food in Containers and Small Spaces”.

Mark Rows With Radishes

While you are waiting for slowpokes like carrots or parsnips, the quick radish sprouts will remind you to water the area, while maturing for harvest before the other roots need their space.

Add Phosphorus

Be mindful when applying fertilizer that phosphorus aids root growth, while too much nitrogen can result in lots of top growth but wimpy roots. Learn more about fertilizer in our article “Fertilizer: Which to Use and When”

Mulch Roots

Mulching will keep roots cool and moist. If carrot root “shoulders” come up above the soil or mulch, cover them again to prevent sunlight from “greening” them, which can cause bitterness.

Sow in Late-Summer/Fall

Add 2 weeks to the “days to maturity” to allow for shorter days and cooler growing temperatures. Roots are frost tolerant and actually sweeten a bit if allowed to stay in the garden to experience a nip of frost.

Don’t Forget to Sow Winter Radishes

They form bulbous roots in the short days of fall (not spring) and store for several months. Daikon, Black Radish, and Watermelon Radish are mild and are downright beautiful; they are so worth their seasonal-fickleness.

Overwinter Carrots

In USDA zones 5 and warmer, you can overwinter your carrots. Sow carrots in late summer/fall and grow them to 75% maturity before a hard frost allows you store them in the ground, and harvest them throughout the winter months (when the soil isn’t frozen). You can also grow them to 50% maturity before a hard frost and they will be ready to harvest the following early spring!

Many Roots’ Leaves are Edible, Too! 

Carrots, beets, turnips, and radish roots are all edible! For maximum freshness, store the leaves separate from the roots, both in sealed containers in the crisper. Enjoy the leaves during the following week or freeze them to make stock later. Roots can also be stored in a root cellar or a cool basement, buried in a tub of wet sand.